Here I will try and keep up to date the my progress on the design of this board game.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Changing the working name to PRODUCTION

I looked up "Production" in BGG and there weren't previous games called that. Its not that sexy but it works for now.

I have been working on the other half of the game, the Production phase. This is how I see the production phase working:

Production Phase -

Board Member benefits: If you are on a board you may take up to 3 raw materials from your dock.

Production Round - Players continue to take turns doing these rounds untill all have opted to end the round.

During your turn you must do one of these three actions:
- Change what a factory is producing. Change the raw material that a factory will deliver. This automatically starts a truck too so that you are guaranteed the factory will produce at least one batch goods for you. You can not do this if there is a truck en route.

- Start a truck. Place a truck chit en route to the dock with 4 time cubes placed on it.

- Advance a truck. Remove a time cube from the truck. If you remove the last cube then remove the truck and place 8 raw material cubes on the dock. The type of material is indicated by the factory.

Then, take up to three resources from any dock or combination from docks.
Now you may remove yourself from the turn order list taking a new place
for the rest of the round. If there are no resources you have to remove yourself.

After the first person removes themselves the remaining people can no longer do the first three actions.

Once all players are done -

Players simultaneously and secretly build gizmos from their raw materieals:

When all are done building gizmos they reveal what they have built. Then they will modify the Potential values of the companies on the values board.

At this point players have to return all unusesd materials keeping at most four for next turn.

Players may now buy stock in the new turn order. Players take turns buying up to 3 stocks of one company or passing. As you buy stocks you must display them in front of you.

Board member - If a player has more stocks of a company than anyone they become the new board member and recieve the indicator of the correct color. If somone else already is the board member you must beat them in number of stocks to take the indicator from them.

I need to work out what happens when you sell stock and you were a board member? If no one else has it you keep the status untill you drop to zero stock.

I still need an end to the game

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